Active members:
Shall pay annual dues and shall be willing to attend meetings, serve on committees, hold offices, and actively participate in the annual Plant Sale and Hospitality.
Plant Sale Participation:
Active members shall either donate plants from their gardens or make a monetary donation to defray the Plant Sale expense. In addition, they shall participate in one or more potting up sessions, and/or assist on the day of the sale with set up, clean up or sales.
I have carefully read the By-laws that can be found on the GGC website at
I have read through the list of committees found on the GGC website at
The Membership Chair will contact you once the membership form is received to assist you in selecting one or more committees to participate with.
Groton Garden Club:
I give the Groton Garden Club permission to use photos, of me, on the website, the local newspaper, or other marketing materials.
Image and Photographic Release from the GCFM:
In consideration of the benefits of membership of the Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts, this club hereby consents to the use of any photographs/film/videotape given by us to the Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts Inc. for the purpose of illustration, publication, or broadcast in connection with the work, advertising, and promotion of the Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts Inc., without limitation.
Dues are $26 by credit card or $25 by cash or check per year.
Download a membership form here. Cash or Checks can be made out to Groton Garden Club and can be brought to the next meeting or mailed to:
The Groton Garden Club
PO Box 413
Groton, MA 01450
We are so excited to have you as a new member of the Groton Garden Club!