Groton Garden Club is installing a new garden bed at Town Hall. The section surrounding the Elm Tree that was planted during the pandemic has been covered in lots of crab grass and other weeds. We will be planting a bed of Wild Strawberry - Fragaria virginiana. This is a low-growing, fast spreading native perennial strawberry that is vigorous enough to cover the ground and suppress weeds. It can tolerate foot traffic and can be occasionally mowed. Once established it will not need to be watered. It has white flowers in the spring and fruits in the early summer. Wild strawberry occurs naturally in all the of US states and it supports 75 different species of butterflies and moths throughout their life cycles.
We did a small planting of wild strawberry this fall around the base of the tree. This past week we are using the lasagna method of creating a new garden bed. This consists of laying cardboard directly on the ground and spreading mulch on top of the cardboard. This will suppress any plants that are already there from growing. In the spring we will continue with a large planting of more wild strawberry. This should fill in in a few years to look like the photo on the right.