The Club was presented the New England Wildflower Society Award at the recent New England Garden Club Regional Meeting held in Plymouth, MA. This award is for an educational project using native plants. The objectives of this garden project are to provide club members an opportunity to grow native plants in a public setting and see how they perform. Residents of Groton are invited to observe these plants and be inspired to add some to their own gardens. The Native Garden is located at the Town of Groton Town Hall.

The awards program affords National Garden Clubs, Inc. and the New England Garden Clubs an opportunity to express their appreciation and support for projects completed during the past year. By honoring our clubs, states, and districts, we hope to promote growth and stimulate our members to plan programs and activities in accordance with our objectives. This year's 47 applications attest to the abilities and talents of our members. The Awards Committee congratulates the winners, and thanks those clubs, states, and districts who applied for an award. We also thank the State Presidents and Awards Chairmen for their help in encouraging their clubs, states, and districts to participate in this program.